Wednesday 17 April 2013

Welcome to The Little Yellow Teapot

Welcome to the very first post on The Little Yellow Teapot! I'm so excited about this and can't wait to share some of my home with you. Hopefully I can do a little apartment tour soon, but for now I just want to share my heart for my home and for this blog.

As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15

I don't believe this scripture is just for couples and families. Single people are not excluded! Me and my apartment will serve the Lord. I want my home to be a place where I learn to serve Him well. By making it an environment where people feel welcome and loved. Where people can feel His love and where I welcome in the Lord to work in and through my life. I want to make the most of what He has blessed me with and I feel that making my home beautiful is part of that. Even if the only people I welcome into my home are my mum and my boyfriend, I want to use what God has given me to bless others.

I guess you could call this an interior design blog (although that makes it sound as though I'm way more experienced at this than I am!) because I want to share with you how I've made the most of what God has given me (both financially and in terms of space) and turn this place into a home.

